Happy Friyay My Darlings!
OMG, I am BEYOND elated that this week is almost over!!!! There were times I was sure I wouldn’t make it through! But I’m here now! “WON’T HE DO IT?” ???
Okay so, today I have a question: what is it that certain people find so alluring about the unavailable”?
To help explain where I am coming from with this, please see the scenarios below:
Scenario #1 – Girl spots a handsome dude at the gym
Girl: You must work out a lot, you have a beautiful body
Guy: Thank you, my fiancé seems to think so too
Girl: Well you’re not married yet… How about we work out together? I could really use some help with my form ?
Scenario #2 – Whatsapp chat
Guy: Are you dating anyone?
Girl: I’m talking to someone
Guy: Talk to me as well
Girl: Lmao
Guy: I’m serious
Girl: I’m not too good at splitting my attention
Guy: Give me a chance. I can teach you ?
Scenario #3 – Group outing
Guy: Are you single?
Girl: Well, I’m talking to someone
Guy: How long has that been going on?
Girl: Since April
Guy: April? And it’s November!!!
*dude bursts into uncontrollable laughter with his friend, having the girl feeling type of way*
Guy: I’m sorry to tell you this but if he hasn’t made things official by now, he won’t. You’re gorgeous and I can tell you’re nice and sweet as well. So he’s keeping you close because he sees that. You shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket anyway. We should grab drinks sometime. ?
Maybe it’s the fact that all approachees in the above scenarios mentioned they were unavailable but it didn’t seem to faze the approachers. It may even be the fact all three situations happened around the same time to different people, at different parts of the world. But for some reason, these stories bothered me!!!! Like seriously
When I made up my mind to write about this, was building the case against men. I’m sorry my fellas, but all of the stories I heard were around y’all. Then I heard the story about the engaged man at the gym and became weak?
I started out by stating I have one question, but honestly, now I have several:
Why didn’t the mention of someone else automatically send these approachers running? Why would someone tell you not to put all your eggs in one basket when it isn’t his or her favor?? What is wrong with our generation today???? Do people even value relationships anymore???? And why is it so cold in New York???
As always, I’d love you hear what you all think.
Until next week, all the best!
Love always,
The Wawa New-Yorker
..cant remember the verse and how it was said, but it flows like- “the earth suffers violence and only the strong takes it by force”
To me, anybody that I have not gone for their wedding is free, and am free to recommend and encourage my people to them.
Go for what you want.
All the best my Dear, you will never run dry.
Thank you thank you thank you for your endless support!!!!
Our generation is disconnected. We’ve been conditioned to think that attachment is weakness and that vulnerability is as well. In a world that is supposed to be so “connected,” (technology) we are so disconnected and that’s because folks hide behind social media. The disconnect is showing up in so many parts of our lives to the point where it’s like where do turn to for something real where we can feel, be open, honest and respectful. I really believe we are losing the ability to communicate honestly and verbally as well. Girl all those apporachers are indeed challeneging the boundaries in which they can see how weak the person is or how tempted they are. Girl we all trying to figure this shit out and to me is seems like loyalty is rare these days. No respect for yourself means no respect for no one else.
BOOM!!!! I completely agree that for a generation with so many mediums to stay connect, we are the most out of touch with reality! Pop culture has a way of highlighting distorted successes Jane was with (what’s his name) before she met Tarzan. So if it worked for them, why not me. I guess that’s why nothing is seen as much of a taboo anymore.
Again, we are just trying to figure life out! A day at a time! ?
Thank you so much for reading and for contributing with you profound comment!
Why didn’t the mention of someone else automatically send these approachers running?
Answer- The challenge!!!!
the ‘approchers” mind-set probably got ignited to –
1. test the true loyalty of the approachees faithfulness/loyalty to the person they’re referring to.
2. see how long it would take for the approachee to keep up the explanation cos sometimes its lies
3. Devil is at work!!!
LMAOOO @ the devil is at work! That is my favorite answer thus far!! ???
One of my friends said everyone loves a challenge and I get it. But But But, that doesn’t make it right!!! Lol!
Thank you so much for reading and leaving your amazing response!
ROTFLMAOOOO! WHY is it so cold in New York?
anyways… when I use – the I’m seeing someone line – is when I am clearly not interested. I think people figure that out and they don’t like rejection and in their own petty way, beg for a chance….
Ahhhh interesting. You’re right about no one wanting rejection. But telling someone you’re unavailable is different from saying “piss off jerk” and so he or she can like to find their square root, somewhere else! Lol
Thank you so much for your phenomenal reply! And for being first!