*Clears throat and channels Ne-yo*
My sexy loves… ?
Hi Everybody!
I hope all is well.
Okay so, it’s about that time of the year again. You know, that not-always-so-great time when you realize the year is almost over and you can’t seem to account for where the time went.
You can relate to every single “this year is horrible” meme on Instagram. You had high expectations that are yet to be met. You heard everyone’s olowogbogboro/life changing testimony but are yet to give yours. You lost a job. You hustled endlessly and are yet to reap the rewards. Buried someone dear to you. Found out Mr. Right is a leftie. The Obamas’ really left the White House. Had a wedding but can’t pay for the marriage. Got the promotion but don’t have the staff to do the work. You still don’t know your purpose in life. Didn’t lose any weight. Lost your dog. Your edges won’t grow. Your skin won’t clear up. Didn’t save any money. Didn’t get closer to God. More problems, less money. Name it, it happened.
If you can relate or are waiting for the year to end for a fresh start, before you rule out 2017, let’s talk.
I had a lot of victories this year, but I missed the mark with my writing. I set goals for this blog and my writing that I didn’t achieve. So when that realization hit, the disappointment came in full force.
I failed.
Before I knew it, I found myself stuck. I knew I didn’t like the current state of affairs but I didn’t know where to begin to make things right.
In despair, I called my first sister and told her everything. She told me I won’t change things if I wallow in my shortcomings. Then said advised me to write down or reflect on all the moments this year that blew my mind! Times I outdid myself for the better. My moments of victory. “Once you get your mind right, you’ll be in a better position to fix anything broken,” she said. So I reflected and I wrote. And I wrote! And now I’m back to writing like I never stopped. Lol.
Regardless of the year you had, or how stuck you may feel, there were moments when you won!
You won this year!
You got out of bed to go to a job you hated. Politely started an email with “Good Morning, I hope all is well” as opposed to “Now you look here, you dumb f*ck!” Took a shower when all you wanted to do is lay in bed. Kept quiet when you really wanted to curse someone out; smiled when you were weeping inside; congratulated someone for something you’ve been praying for and are yet to see; apologized to keep the peace; went to the gym; paid bills on time when you didn’t have money. Whatever it is, YOU WON THIS YEAR!
Sometimes, to get unstuck, you have to make a move (even if it is backward). So tune into your victories, appreciate yourself effort and finish 2017 with a bang!
Thank you so much for reading! Have an amazing weekend ahead!
Love always,
The Wawa-New Yorker
Omg, I️ love love love! waiting for days to pass so the last number changes in the year doesn’t not affect change so why be counting down or counting up. Live every day accordingly. Note to self Chi ??♀️???????????
Edges won’t grow ?
Focus on the victories!
This is profound… thanks for sharing….
Thank you so much for saying this… anytime!