Jesus, My Alleluia Belongs to you! YES OO!
Happy last TWNY blog post of 2016 everybody! Mehn, this year has been a trip. I know this year was kinda hard at times, but if you are reading this, you have life so you have every right to praise God.
Okay so, I saw an Instagram post just now where the handler legit wrote down everything negative that happened this year! I swear I should’ve known better – like seriously, what was I expecting from a picture quote that read “F#%k 2016” – but I was bored. So I saw it, I read it and was about to get on the EFF 2016 bandwagon too. *sigh* Thank God, my redeemer liveth!
I won’t lie here, 2016 was my BEST YEAR THUS FAR!!! All my family members are alive and well, I travelled to places I’ve never dreamed of before, published my first book, surprised loved ones, met inspiring people, started a business, travelled in first class etc and I am GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR IT ALL.
Without further adieu, here are a few takeaways that’ll help you end this year on the best note;
1. YOU DON’T NEED ANYTHING YOU’VE LOST TO BLESS YOU! Move forward with what you have and stop crying about what you lost! You may have to go differently and slower at first but just keep moving. E go better!
2. IT ONLY WORKS IF YOU WORK IT. God will not do it for you, He will do it WITH YOU!!! It’s just like having a gym membership but never making your way there. Or going to the gym and sitting down. If things didn’t work out for you in 2016, go back to the drawing board, change your tactic and WORK THAT THANG!
3. EVERY STEP IS A BLESSING! You may not be where you hoped you would but by the grace of God you are not where you used to be. So be grateful! It’s not about the destination! It’s about the journey. So please press forward! Praise God for every step!!!
I love and appreciate you all!!! Thank you so much for riding with me this long! God bless you???
See you in 2017! By the grace of God ??
Love always
I love that: you don’t need anything you’ve lost to bless you.
You are a mastermind! Inspirational! Powerhouse! Thank you for this!
It was a blessed year! God showed me He is a PROVIDER, PROTECTOR, COMFORTER, LOVING, AND MOST OF ALL MERCIFUL!!!
Yayyy! More I love 2016 recruits! ?????? 2017 will be noticably better!
See you in 2017 ☺