I use to make the mistake of telling people what I want. Actually – now that I think about it – my mistake started before that. I think it began with the mentality that there were some things other people HAD to buy/do for me in order for that thing to be of any real significance/value to me.
For years, I wanted a charm bracelet. I was watching General Hospital and Sonny Corinthos gave Carly one. He explained the different charms he picked out and their relevance to their life together and IMMEDIATELY I decided I wanted one. Smh… I know.. I know, I’m judging me now too. ??
Anyways, after that, whenever someone asked me what I wanted, I’d say a Charm bracelet! (Duh!) I’d explain how “it’s something someone else should give you” and how it’s the ultimate gift. Over time, different people (I guess sensing my enthusiasm about it) promised to be that person-of-life to get me one. So I waited.
From 2006 – 2015, I waited. Then this happened;
Last year, I saw one I really loved during my birthday cruise. I was with my oldest sister- she had heard my charm bracelet story a million times – so she told me to get it. When I told her I was waiting for one of my friends, she was like “THAT’S HOW YOU’LL BE WAITING AND DIE! COMEON WILL YOU BUY THIS THING NOW THAT YOU’VE SEEN ONE YOU LIKE!!!!”
I respected myself, paid for it and left the store. She told me I’ll value it more because I waited for it and buy it my self. And wow, was she right!
Why am I bringing this up?
This morning, I read a quote by the Founder of Alibaba.com, the largest retailer in the world. According to Jack Ma,
“Poor people fail because of one common thing: Their whole life is about waiting.”
This quote sent chills down my entire body, until I thought about it. My life didn’t really start “sweeting me” until I stopped waiting and decided to get things done myself. The last two years have been the most challenging (for various reasons). But they have also been the best and most fulfilling years of my life thus far! And it’s only going to get BETTER (in the name of Jesus, Amen).
I write all this to urge you all the stop waiting!!! If you are like I was and are waiting for someone to come through or for something in your life to change before you do something, please stop. People have the best intentions when you make promises to do things for you – I am truly grateful for everyone who has offered to buy me anything (please feel free to STILL DO so if you can LOL).
God really does help people who help themselves. As this life is for the living, please LIVE IT! Don’t be “waiting and die” ?
Thank you so much for reading!
Love always,
The Wawa-NewYorker
Thanks for finally talking about >Quick Question – What are you waiting for?
<Loved it!
This really renders with me because everyday I feel like I am waiting for someone to help me do something or waiting for someone to do something for me that I feel like I deserve. I needed a reminder that doing things for myself can be just as fulfilling, if not more so. Always inspiring Oby!
Beautiful reminder! YOLO!! ?✅???
Jack Ma is the truth. Good One!!
Waiting on the shortfilm. I beg!
Lets go win some awards
No joke – I thought about you while I was watching the Oscars on Sunday night like “Kobi and I need to hurry and get our metal!” Lol!!
It’s on my radar I swear. I’m almost done with my book so that’s my next priority! We’ll do dinner/drinks soon to discuss!