Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I know I am late but I really wanted to let you all to know that I am grateful for you all for your faithful readership, feedback and encouragement! You guys give me a sense of purpose and I truly appreciate you ???
Okay so, back to the matter!
Remember earlier in the month, I wrote a post about my November Goals (click here if you missed it), in the hopes that exposing them will keep me accountable and more incline to achieve them? Well, a few days after I put up that post, my insta-mentors (the distinguished ladies and gentlemen I follow on my new Instagram account) all started posting photos about the importance of hiding your goals. I was like shoo, why didn’t you guys say this before I PUT UP MY LAST POST???? But they had a point. The truth of the matter is, “my goals didn’t your consign”. They really have no impact on you regardless of if I achieve them or not. They really are about me so I have nothing to gain by exposing them. As a result, I have decided to be quieter about my goals and let my results do the talking ??
However, because I am a babe of my word, and I did promise to report back to let you know how I did with my goals this month, please find the results below:
Spiritual Practices
1. Say my affirmations every morning ✅
2. Meditate at least three times a week✅
3. Go to Church at least twice a week✅
4. End each day in gratitude✅✅✅
Self – Care
1. Go to the gym at least three times a week – With the exception of last week, I made it to the gym 3 times a week✅
2. No food after 8:30pm (JESUS HELP ME) – OMG this was the HARDEST item to pull off! On the nights I worked out, I get home closer to 8:30pm. So on those nights I would rush in, ignore my siblings, heat up my food and CHUG IT DOWN ?. Of course, it didn’t matter because I undid everything last weekend by eating everything I could find until midnight ???
3. Practice yoga at least once a week – Yea so I did it the first week and stopped ?
4. Drink more water ✅✅
Self – Development
1. Perfect photography – Take at least one photo a day ✅✅✅
Creative Expression
1. Post something on my blog at least twice a week – with the exception of last week, I put up a blog up twice every week this month (yayy) ✅✅??
2. Finish editing my book ✅?
3. Create my vision board at work and at home – yea, I printed the photos, I just haven’t put them up yet ??
In all, up until Thanksgiving week, November 2015 was a pretty productive month for me. It really got me back into the swing of great habits and I can’t wait to see what I pull off next month ???. Although I am no longer exposing mine, I really do hope that you may have picked up a thing or two from my goals and set personal goals of your own ?.
Thank you so much for reading!
Love always,
Your Wawa-NewYorker
Photocred: Instagram.com/incometips
Yay Oby!! You have inspired me to be more visible, even if for my eyes only, with my goals!!
YOU INSPIRE ME TOO!!! Thank you so much for your kind words love!
you are such a breath of fresh air! love you babe! you bring SUN to my day! SMILE to my lips and a GLOW to my heart. Gisike