Hello my loves!
I hope you’ve been great!
Okay so, with this weekend being Valentine’s Day and all (AND because you guys are the loves of my life), I decided to share one of my favorite love stories of all time!
I am often ALMOST ALWAYS chastised because the way I love. While I do not have a lot of past loves (thank GOD), apparently, my love life would be “more successful” if I was “more strategic” with the way I went about it.
Just when I was about to give into the pressure of “strategic love” (yea, I gave it a name), I read this story from Paulo Coelho’s book By the River Piedra, I Sat and Wept. As always, he validated my craze:
“A boy and a girl were insanely in love with each other,” my mother’s voice was saying. “They decided to become engaged. And that’s when presents are always exchanged.
The boy was poor–his only worthwhile possession was a watch he’d inherited from his grandfather. Thinking about his sweetheart’s lovely hair, he decided to sell the watch in order to buy her a silver barrette.
The girl had no money herself to buy him a present. She went to the shop of the most successful merchant in the town and sold him her hair. With the money, she bought a gold watchband for her lover.
When they met on the day of the engagement party, she gave him the wristband for a watch he had sold, and he gave her the barrette for the hair she no longer had.”
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours! May your love be so genuine, you won’t need deceitful strategies to keep it going. Amen.
Love Always – The Wawa-New Yorker
AWWW so PURE!! ??❤️❤️❤️?????
AMEN! ??