Before a mission, soldiers are told what the situation is and what the desired outcomes are. This is called the “Commander’s Intent”. Reason being is that, you can give a solider a detailed step-by-step guide on how to win a war, but the second bullets start flying, all that sh*t goes out the window and all he or she is just focused on how to come out alive and the mission.
Have you ever noticed that a lot of times, dreams are given birth to and killed in your head?
Because you spend so much time thinking about the how that you stop before you even get a chance to begin. We research how role models managed to achieved success and come to our own conclusions before we even try anything:
Ada became a billionaire by blogging! I don’t know how to write so why try? *Checks Instagram*
John quit his job and worked 24/7 to start his multi billion dollar business. I have a child and bills to pay so I can’t quit my job and I can’t start my business. *Back to Netflix*
Jane lost 40 pounds in 3 months because she works out everyday. She is also jobless. Well I have a job so I don’t have the time to workout everyday *opens the second box of pizza* ?
Steve Jobs dropped out of school to start Apple. I already have my diploma ??
Last week, I told someone a dream of mine -I’m going to have a book on the New York Times Best Sellers List. She laughed and asked, “how are you going to do that Oby?” I smiled and said “I’ll let you know when I do”
Loves, everyone that has achieved the success they worked hard for will tell you “your dreams are valid”. Sure it’s easy to say that when you’ve accomplished your dreams. Never forget overnight success takes years!
You can and you will but you have to TRY! Write your dreams down, forget the how and do the damn thing! ???
Thank you so much for reading! I truly appreciate you all.??
Love always,
The Wawa-NewYorker
Yes!! And I can’t wait to read your #1 New York Times Best Seller book!!
I RECEIVE IT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, AMEN!!!! Thank you so much love!!!!
Great advice! Thanks
Glad you liked it! Thank you!
Point on, thanks for the reminder ‘literally talking to me” lol………… And YESSSSSSSS the PISHURE is everything.
Yaayy! Glad you enjoyed it and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
PREACHHHHH nne!! Much needed reminder! THat PIC FIERCE oo !!!!!
Lol! Thank you sweetpea! Did you read the post though?!?!
Whollup whollup just whollup….. Da picture is da bomb! ?