Happy October beautiful people!!! ?? I hope so far so great!
Okay so, one of my friends, after a few weeks in Europe, came back, complaining about the U.S. (snob!) “Being away made me realize how entitled people here are! Why do we tip for services? Is it by force to tip people? People here have an attitude when you don’t leave a tip or worst, if your tip is small. I mean, where did that even come from?!” When he was done, I was like “so… whatchu bring me?” He shook his head and that was the end of that convo. I didn’t think about it (at all) until…
Last night, I went to get my nails and feet did. There are a few things in life I spoil myself with: my morning Starbucks vanilla lattes (extra hot, no foam- just in case someone wants to spoil me), my MAC eyebrow pencils (yes, I’ve heard there are brow gels and powers and even other brands that are cheaper and “do the same thing”, em, that’s a lie), my evening shower and Broadway musical tickets. But these things have nothing on my bimonthly mani and pedis. For two hours, every other week, I get to escape life: sit, relax and just be! The only decision I have to worry about is what color I want to grace my fingers and toes nails with but once that’s settled, *long sigh* bliss.
Back to the matter, last night, when the lady was done, I thanked her for another great job and paid her $40. My nails and feet cost $35. (For the human auditors/accountants/monitoring-spirits of the world that may be looking at my finances, that’s actually a great deal for a gel manicure and pedicure in NYC). Anyways, I planned to tip her the full $5 when she came back with my change (she did a great job), but she didn’t come back with my change! I was talking to my baby sister when the chick said goodnight, walked past me and started doing someone else’s nails. EH?!?
At this, I told my sister in Igbo “do you know this chick didn’t give me my change?” “Did you tell her to keep it?” my sister asked. “No” “Then you better ask for your money!”
Concluding it wasn’t worth the stress, I told my sister It was cool. I was going to give it to her anyways so what did it matter.
In bed, for some reason, my friend’s words about “entitlement” were on heavy rotation in my mind and I found myself a tad irritated. Like seriously, TF? Do people think money grows from trees? Why did said-chick just take my money? I don’t care if I planned to give her the money or not, she didn’t have the right to take that option away from me.
I won’t lie, I am big on leaving tips. I am not stingy. I know a few people who have worked as waiters, servers etc at some point and explained that majority of their earnings came from tips, so I try to give generously. I have even gotten into arguments with people about the idiosyncrasies of Americans and tip-giving; stating that tipping should be an option, not a requirement. In those conversations, I have
always been on the “because it’s a way to show appreciation and the right thing to do” side, but seriously, I may be switching to “tips? such entitlement!” side.
I would love to hear what you guys think. Do you believe we live in an entitled society, whereby people expect to receive something extra in addition to the payment for their services? Better yet, do you think, we encourage such behavior?
I may be at fault for not asking for my money, but the truth is, I kinda have to go back there in two weeks. A great nail salon, at a great price, right next to my home is hard to find so that’s a bridge I ain’t tryna burn any time soon. So don’t judge me ??.
Thank you for reading!
Love always,
The Wawa-New Yorker
Hehehehe…. anyway I think we encourage such act. Just the same way the security guard at the cinema deliberately leaves car space for some people cos he feels when dey come they’ll tip him so they can park on that spot. Whereas when an ordinary person drives in to park on that same spot, it’s either they tell the person he/she can’t park there reasons best known to them…or they’ll first look at the persons face and possibly the type of car he/she is driving before they’ll think of giving that spot to park on bcos they know a tip will come out. Since you’ve been a regular at the salon, the girl must have weighed you and said Aunty Oby is bigger than $5.
I’m glad you brought up the example you did because people always make it seem like tipping is an “American thing”. Next time my Naija visitors come to visit, I will remind them that they tip too and ask them to be nice aboorrit hehehe
Re: the chick the nail salon, *sigh* The matter self don tire me. E ris wari is lol
Lol at entitlement part!!!! why though Oby
Anyway you special (rolls eyes)
I am entitled to ALL THINGS GOOD SIMPLE!
Raise in salary weekly
Free insurance
Bonus check in mail
More off days
Hence we all frustrated with life
We all feel entitled to more in life, more money, more attention, more time, more something….lol
With MY MONEY????????? Nah booboo!
Okay let me explain my-humble-self 😀
Yes I agree, you are entitled to all things that are due to you. Be it a raise in salary weekly, a brand new Mercedes-Benz, or even “peteri.” Girl, you work hard, and you desire to get work you worked for. People who work service related jobs deserve their due pay. The Chick that gave me a mani and pedi is entitled to the payment of her services, ie, the $35 they charged me for said services. SHE WAS NOT ENTITLED TO MY $5, ergo, she shouldn’t have just taken it! In the same way, that chef in that Asian restaurant (from Ego’s comment) was entitled to the amount charged for the meal BUT NOT A TIP.
All the things you mentioned are due to you because of the work you put in to receive them. I am not against people hustling for more. To reintegrate, my gripe is more with the mentality of being entitled to receiving a tip.
I truly appreciate you trying to make me see where chick was coming from… I’m just too stubborn to.
I agree with you! Its just like sending someone on an errand and they decide to keep the change. It’s stealing when I did NOT give it to you….
HAHA!!! RIGHT?????
I honestly believe in giving good tips. But tips is an act of generosity not a duty. My friend and I had lunch with a “God fearing” colleague who convinced us to have lunch with him by promising to cover the tip. When the meal was over and the bill came, my friend and I just paid for our lunch as we discussed and the waiter took the bill. Why did the chef come out of the kitchen to yell at us for not including a tip. Our foolish Coworker only paid his portion of the tip plus his meal. My friend and I didn’t have proceeds to put down extra cash and we were embarrassed. Needless to say we never had lunch at that Asian restaurant again. Now that I think of it I appreciate them dissing us in English and to our faces
@ tips is an act of generosity not a duty – that was the exact response from my mom when she read this (she emails me her comments after every blog post). I completely agree!
@ the chef leaving his kitchen to shout at your party about the tip – THAT’S THAT ENTITILEMENT SHIIIIII I AM TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE NERVE!!! See all the business that restaurant has lost because he didn’t (to quote Aunty Patience) “keep kwa-yet”? Smh
Thank you for reading and sharing that experience Ego!!
Lol! Very interesting post. Yeah I honestly am not a good tipper. But one of my good friends that I hang out with a lot can tip for America! ?? She is always tipping like crazy so that has caused me to be a little more mindful with tipping because otherwise I’m not big on that ??
As per the chic that kept the change, yeah she probably did that subconsciously cause she’s used to you giving her such amount. But yeah I wouldn’t have asked for my change back unless it was like $10 or more ??
LMAO at your comment Njide!!!!!
I think I’m on your friend’s level and I have honestly looked at how people (by people, I mean men) tip as an indicator of how generous they are. I have ghosted men for being bad tippers (sorry, not sorry lol). Re: wouldn’t have asked for change unless it was $10 or more”…. I WOULD HOPE (ON ALL THINGS GOOD) THAT SOMEONE WILL NOT HAVE THE MIND TO JUST TAKE MORE THAN $5!!!! Good upbringing aside, I WILL BLEND SOMEONE’S CONTOUR!
Thank you reading and leaving a comment hearts!
LMAO at your replies nne
HAHAHA – There’s just something about money….
I have worked a job that involved being given a tip, during those times I remember that I don’t really feel happy when I’m not given a tip for a service. Those jobs doesnt pay much. well yeah I know it’s not an entitlement but it puts a smile on my face when I receive one and makes me feel like cursing the customer when I don’t. So I know how it feels like when a tip is not given to someone doing a job that involves such. So I always give tips not actually because it’s a must, but because I have been there. As for the lady that didn’t give you back your change, honestly I think that she may have done that because maybe you are used to giving her that much tip so she acted spontaneously. But if you haven’t, I don’t feel their is anything wrong in asking her for your change.
Obinna!!!!!! I swear I look forward to your responses. lol
I mirror your sentiments. While I haven’t had a job where I had to rely on tips (Father Lord, I praise you forever!), I know a lot of people who did back in college, so I understand the importance of trying to give as much as you can. I think my grip is more with the mentality of being entitled to receiving a tip than it is the act of tip giving. Lol okay, Rant over. Thank you for reading and leaving a comment
soooo, food for thought! What if they just know you are a good tipper and saved you the energy to talk and smile lol.
HAHA – But what if I planned to give her more money (because I really am such a good tipper)?? She missed out on the potential of more money now (or in the future) because she felt entitled to my $5.
Thank you for reading and leaving a comment.