Hello and Happy Tuesday!
I hope all is well and you have started the Oscars Challenge.
Okay so, how’s your 2019 looking? It’s okay, you can be honest. This is a safe space 😊. Is it going great, not-so-great? Is it going according to plan or have you given up already? It’s almost the end of January and if you started the year with high expectations or goals you have not begun to achieve or find yourself losing that New Year fire, I think this is the post for you.
After the holidays, you spend a lot of time playing catch up. Let’s face it, getting back into the swing of things can be challenging. We start off the year with resolutions and so much enthusiasm:
- We make plans to go to the gym 4 times a week and when we miss a day, it turns to 6 months.
- We make plans to start a business, but our phones/iPads/laptops die so we push it off until the following year.
- We make plans to get closer to God, then miss church or won’t pray and then it’s a wrap
- We plan to find a new job but won’t update our resumes or even apply for anything or lose hope the second we get a reject email.
It’s understandable, how we can start off the year with the best of intentions for ourselves and then fall off the wagon when real life hits.
What we forget is that we have a life from the previous year, and it’ll take some time to merge our real/old life with the new and improved life we want.
My message today is simply: Be obsessed with your success and don’t give up.
January is a transition month. It’s a time to recuperate from the holiday spending and living, at the same time figuring out what you want in the new year. So, it’s almost unrealistic to think that just because you set out to achieve goals at the beginning of the year, all the stars will align for things to pan out exactly how you want it to.
So, if you’ve fallen off, forgive yourself, dust yourself off and get back on the matter and fight!
You deserve the life you want!
There is no such thing as talent. To quote the controversial lightweight boxing champion, Conor McGregor,
“there is no talent here, there is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equal as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top and that’s that. I am not talented, I’m obsessed.”
That said, nothing new will happen to you unless you make it happen. There will be no difference between this year and any of the previous if you don’t become obsessed about the change you want.
If you are waiting for a gym membership to lose weight, you will not. If you are waiting for money to start your business, you do not have a business. If you are waiting for a laptop to start writing your book, you do not have a story to tell. If you are waiting for a huge sum of money to clear your debt, you will be in debt a lot longer than you have to be. If you are waiting for the “time”, I’m sorry to break it to ya, but no one gets more than 24 hours in a day!
So, be honest with yourself, figure out what you need to do and get it done!
It’s 2019 people! We move!
As always, thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to share and tell your friends about the blog!
Love always,
The Wawa-New Yorker
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