Happy Monday Beautiful people!
I hope you are having an amazing week so far!
Okay so, I went to braid my hair on Saturday. Here is some background before I gist you about how that went:
I love love love the girl that does my hair. She is from Benin (the country not the state). She lives an hour and change away from me but she’s the best so I don’t mind.
When I went to do my hair in January, she asked me if I had a boyfriend yet. I smiled and told her “we’re still praying about it. We will see what happens with time”. She stopped the hair she was braiding, stood in front of me and said “YOU MUST MARRY THIS YEAR!” I shouted “Amen!” She asked me if I was on Facebook and when I said “no”. She said that’s the problem. “You need to get Facebook! Let people see you”. I laughed and told her I will open a Facebook account.
Fast-forward to Saturday. When she started my hair and the conversation picked from last time;
Hair-lady: Are you on Facebook now?
Me: My sister, I tried oh
Hair-lady: Ehe, what happened?
Me: They said Facebook has finished
Hair-lady: FINISHED??? HOW?
Me: All I know it that, when I went there, they said it finished
Hair-lady: You are not serious this girl. Do you want to marry?Me: I do oo. Don’t worry. Marriage will reach everybody. In fact, this hair you’re doing now is the hair my husband will see me in, in Jesus name!!
The chick ignored me and went off on me in French.
This is not the first time I have been told to reopen my Facebook page in order to be “out there” and “seen”. I understand that social media has definitely created more avenues for one to meet his/her life partner. In fact, one of my closest friends met her husband on Facebook years ago and they have been happily married for 5 years now. But seriously, are we now living in a world where it is now impossible to just bump into the love of your life in person? Do I “have to” have profiles on Facebook, Match.com, Christian Mingle, Tinder or eHarmony before I am considered “serious” about wanting to be in a relationship that would lead to marriage? I have an Instagram account and I haven’t even logged in this year! So please, how exactly would these additional profiles help my case if I don’t use the only one I’m on as it is??
I understand that I am “no longer in school” so social media is the next best thing. But what if I don’t want a man who has a Facebook account to begin with?
Any thoughts?
As always, thank you for reading.
Love always,
The Wawa-NewYorker
I once knew a person who was always so busy at work but would still go out every weekend to find a spouse. This person attended every wedding, birthday, child dedication etc to meet a spouse. Then one day, directly opposite her home, she saw a guy closing the gate to his house and decided to talk to him. They have been married for six years now! The point is couples met each other before social media and will continue do so without it. Whatever is meant to be will be. God is still God!
All the best to you!
@EgoInAbundance – oh wow. What a story??! Thank you so much for sharing! You are right!
Too funny. I echo MTM’s comments above. I personally believe that everyone’s destiny is different. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Follow your heart and open an account ONLY if you feel in your heart that you should do so and not because of pressure from anyone. Don’t get too hung up on that. My advise to you is to seek 1st the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you. God has promised you that you will not lack your mate so therefore his promise will definitely manifest in your life with or without facebook. That is the living God we serve!!
@njay – OMG – thank you so much! God definitely Is! As long as I continue to trust in His Promises, all is well. Thank you so much again!
@MTM – !hank you sooo much for your comment. I love the “God knows where we all are”. Amen to that! I am confident that everything will happen at its out time for the best 😉
At one point for me, social media was fun, then it just got ridiculous with people just checking to take a peep of my life and say “silly” things about a pic they HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT.
I use to think one should go out and find people, now I believe GOD KNOWS WHERE WE ALL ARE 🙂
God is my personal match maker though he uses various means, and meets everyone where they are. Some pple have found love on social media, some in school, some on the train. God knows best and once a person submits to Him, with clear vision and determination, they shall receive their desires at Gods perfect timing 🙂
love your stories, keep it up 🙂