2 weeks ago, my brother and I attended a speaker series titled Everything you need to know about building a business in Africa. Like every Panel discussion, at the end, they gave the audience a chance to ask the panel questions. My brother got up, asked his question and stood while the panelists provided their answers.
On our way home, I told him I admired his courage and asked him how managed to speak in public? His response was simple – “What’s the worst that can happen?” He doesn’t know it, put this statement has changed my life.
For years, writing has been my outlet. I haven’t always trusted people to handle my thoughts so I wrote them down. Every once in a blue moon, I would send something I wrote to a random person and ask for feedback. Time and time again, I was told they were good and that I should share them. After years of ignoring different people, I finally decided to start sending out things I wrote.
December 1, 2014, I wrote my first Confessions of a Wawa New Yorker email and sent it to family, extremely close friends and mentors. I was amazed at the responses I received and the encouragement. So I kept writing and sending them out and eventually, I became more comfortable with sharing my stories. Albeit people kept asking if I was going to turn them into a blog (and highly recommended it), I was okay with just sending emails. The truth is I was scared of what would happen if I did – until my brother’s comment. Long story shorter, last Friday, after a lot of prayers, fasting and encouragement from loved ones, I created this blog.
My brothers and sisters – if you have a passion (or hidden talent), release it. If you have an undying desire or life dream, start today to make it a reality. You can do something as simple as asking God for guidance or putting up a picture of someone who has succeeded in that particular thing… Just do it!
There is nothing you cannot do as long as you believe in God. Even when you don’t believe in yourself, once you TRUST that God IS, no matter how much rain beats you, the idea of a rainbow at the end of the storm will keep you going.
I honestly do not know what will come from this blog. Like some have said: people who don’t know me may insult me, no one would read it and I could run out of things to write about. OR people may find it funny, be inspired and even thank me for sharing these stories and recommend them to others. Regardless of what happens next, I would know that I tried my best at something I am passionate about and I put myself out there for a chance to be greater. For real though, What’s the worst that can happen? 😀
Thank you for reading.
Love always,
The Wawa New Yorker
1. Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, critiques, good wishes and mostly importantly PRAYERS! LOL
2. If you are interested in my notes from the speaker series on Everything you need to know about building a business in Africa, let me know… It could be my next post hehehe.
In life, we must always remember that we have only one Chance.. One Chance to be all we can.. to let go of our inhibitions.. to reach for the stars.. To Fly free… Fly free, my friend.. The opinions of others maketh you not. At the end of the day, you only have YOU. ️Mind, Body, Spirit…
@Honesty -Thank you so much for the encouragement! God bless!
Love that, “whats the worst that can happen”
Overcoming our fears, gives birth to so many amazing things.
Grateful for you
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement
love that, what is the worst that can happen? Releasing our fears, gives birth to so many amazing things. May God bless your joys 🙂
Each time I see your email, I smile cos I know it will be worth reading.
Thank you hearts!!!
Will keep that in mind when my swimming instructor asks me to swim to the deep end by myself…