OMG, I love love love the Women’s Locker Room at my gym! There’s just something about that place that is so… Honest! It’s like a safe haven for women where you can naturally be yourself with absolutely no pretense and NO JUDGEMENT. Secrets (like that perfect hair on a coworker is a wig, the perfect skin is actually Mac, or the flat abs you admire is a girdle) are exposed but it’s okay. It’s like there’s a silent/unspoken agreement that “we are in this together” and nothing leaves this room that makes this place so raw!
But you know the best part of this sacred place of life? THE GOSSIP! OMG, THE STORIES WE SHARE! LOL! God forgive us all!
Every Wednesday night, after an hour of getting beat up at the Cardio Tai Box class, my gym-sisters (Danielle and Shante) and I head to the sauna where we catch up and gossip as the steam rips us of our bodily toxins. A few weeks ago, Danielle met some dude on an online website and after some conversations, they decided to meet. So you know I was looking forward to today because she was going to tell us how her date went.
Me: D! How did it go with the online dude?
Danielle: Girl…. He’s really nice. We hung out twice but I don’t know…
Me: What do you mean you don’t know?
Danielle: There must be something wrong with me cos I keep finding these men
Shante and I: What men?
Danielle: Okay so we were watching a movie and the guy in the movie was talking about different drugs. And the guy was like “o yea, I’ve done that?” I asked him what he meant, he gave me a list of all the drugs he’s done. Not sold. Sniffed, shot, kicked. Girl! He’s done cocaine, crystal meth, you name it he’s done it. Then he started showing me his different kinds of weed and everything. I was in shock! I don’t know what to do!
Me: What do you mean you don’t know what to do?
Danielle: Well, everything else about him is great. He’s nice, a gentleman. It’s just the drugs
Me: Isn’t the drugs enough?
Shante: Oh girl that’s nothing! I met some guy that seemed decent and all. But on our first date, tell me why he took me to Home Depot and stole $200 worth of stuff?
Me: EH??!
Shante: We had dinner and then he told me he had to stop at Home Depot real quick. He pulled out a cart and started adding stuff and removing the tag. I thought it was a joke until he turned around and asked me if I wanted anything cos his boy is the security guard at the door. I told him I’ll be right back and took a cab home.
Seriously though, ladies, what would you do if you were in any of these situations?
As always, thank you for reading and happy new month, everyone.
Love always,
The Wawa-New Yorker.
Lolll OMG! Yeah I would have done the same thing ur friend did! Called a cab and bounced! No shame in his game at all smh!
@njay – LOL!!! I know right! The man felt so comfortable about stealing that he even asked her if she wanted anything? LOL! Thank you so much for reading and for leaving a comment!